Lincoln Rotary Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup

The Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup initiative is an effort that has grown from a District 7090 service project covering a small portion of Lake Ontario and Erie to a multi-district plan to focus Rotarians’ attention to all 5 of the Great Lakes and streams and waterways feeding them.

The goal of this initiative is to make this the single largest cleanup event ever planned and coinciding with Earth Day on the Great Lakes Watershed.

The Great Lakes contain almost 20% of the world’s fresh water and is arguably the largest source of fresh water on the planet.  It borders 8 states and 2 provinces and has 9,577 miles (15,323 kilometers) of shoreline.

Thousands of Rotary volunteers have agreed to participate.  We will be joining over one billion people worldwide working on projects together in their communities on Earth Day.


  • Improve the aesthetics of the Great Lakes by removing garbage from public areas and roadsides.
  • Reduce the amount of plastic and litter on our lands and in our waterways.
  • Remove waste that could potentially be ingested by pets and other wildlife.
  • Provide an opportunity for public participation in collaborative activities.
  • Educate the public about the effects of littering, the importance of recycling, and to instill a sense of
  • Collect and report back to organizers cleanup metrics to track the impacts of all the cleanups.

For more information on recycling click the Green Button:



Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup 2024

This year we completed two Watershed Cleanups the first one in partnership with Downtown Bench (Lincoln’s BIA) this was completed on April 22 and we would like to thank the students from West Niagara Secondary School and Jacob Beam Public school for their help in doing the Downtown Tidy 2024. With the combined effort we were able to collect 103 kg of garbage in one hour. #trashmob #WNSS #JacobBeam

The second cleanup took place on May 11 in partnership with the Grimsby Evening Rotary Club. Grimsby picked up at various areas in Grimsby and Lincoln Rotary met at Rotary Park and picked up in various areas of Lincoln.





On April 21, 2023 the Rotary Club of Lincoln partnered with Downtown Bench Beamsville (BIA) and students from the West Niagara Secondary School, Beamsville Campus and Jacob Beam Elementary School took to downtown Beamsville and did a trash cleanup with a huge impact. The Lincoln Rotary weighed all the trash collected in 1hr. during the #TrashMob with a total of 82.9 kg of trash collected by the students. Thank-you to all the students, teachers and volunteers for making the Lincoln Rotary and Downtown Bench Beamsville Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup such a success. Thank you to our sponsors, Town of Lincoln and Niagara Region for assisting with the cleanup and the final collection of waste and recycling. #glwsc #rotarycluboflincolnON #district7090 #TagtheSpirit #downtowntidy #downtownbenchlincolnon #trashmob #environment #beamsvilleontario #WNSS #jacobbeam




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